
Bibles for Haiti


  • Each year the South Haiti church conducts seminars for denominational preachers who come to be filled. Many go home with a new Bible and begin teaching truth. Most of their congregation are being baptized. All need Bibles as members of the Kingdom of God.

  • You can make a gift to these new brothers and sisters.


Ready to order for July 2018

$3,508 raised

Thank You!



"Can you imagine not having a Bible?"

When ask who can say the books of the Bible, only a couple teens will attempt the task. Visiting "Pastors" never volunteer -- year after year! Why? Could it be that they preach without a Bible of their own?


Since we have handed out around 1,420 Bibles, this has all changed. Now, they can look up scriptures and take home with them their own brand new Bible. And, they are learning how to "Search the scriptures to see if these things are so," as did the Bereans. It's a brand new opportunity! It's God's will!


 What can we do with so little funds? Well, we buy in Haiti the same Bible as the Preacher's Training School uses to train young men to follow up the seminar attendees who say that they want to "Teach The Truth That Will Set them free". The new copy is a direct translation from the Hebrew and Greek, making it free of denominational influence. And, it's available in Haiti. The secretary makes a phone call and boxes of Bibles arrive in time for the seminars. NO SHIPPING COST. And, a Bible cost only $12 USD for a soft back and $24 for a longer lasting hard back.


Can you imagine that?


For $5000, we can deliver 400 + copies every time a seminar is held. This opportunity needs your support.


A really good part is that most in the congregation now has a Bible of their own. How difficult do you think it would be to "turn on" the youth when you say that they can have their own Bible? Really easy! To a group of 80 youth, only ONE had a Bible. And, it had not been read at all. How can one tell? "If it has no markings inside, it is a Bible that has not been read.

"No longer! No longer!

Ok! How would you like to teach these eager youth to mark up their brand new Bibles? They can now because they have BRAND NEW BIBLES. "Put your name inside the cover!" GOOD IDEA!

  Where are we - looking forward to 2019 February Seminar?

In 2017, we found a HARD COVER Bible at only $24 each, best for preachers who need a more durable and longer life copy. The $12 soft cover is good for daily reading.


  JR writes:

Bible fundraising, I can't figure out how many Bibles we will need in 2019. I can guarantee you thousands of Bibles will never be enough for distribution because people are converted in Haiti every single day.

Only at the Delmas congregation where we usually baptize between 60 to 125 new members yearly ...

We need another 400 Bibles twice each year.

And, in the whole country, we have between 2,000 to 3,500 through evangelistic campaigns, seminars and preacher's retreat.

Bibles are purchased depending of funds that we have. Let's say we'll need 300 hard cover Bibles for February because they last longer, it will cost $7,200. If money raised could only purchase the soft cover let's say 300 will cost $3,600 Bibles.

100 hard cover at $24 -- we need $2,400

100 soft cover Bibles at $12 -- we need $1,200.

Now, we expect 3 times this number -- 300 each, Feb and July

Who will raise funds to share with these New Christians of Haiti and the newly converted preachers?

$2400 ___?____

$1200 ___?____

$500 ____?____

$100 ____?____

$24 _____?____

Best money spent all year!

We'd like to express our gratitude and many thanks to those who have contributed to this need for Bibles.

Send your check today and receive tax credit for 2018?

Sent YOUR CHECK to the

Northeast Church of Christ
2217 Beechnut Dr.
Kingsport, TN. 37660

Attention: Sam Ross, elder
Memo: for Bibles


Mark your checks for Haiti Bibles or for support
Your mailing address.


Please contribute early to be certain that your contribution is transferred in time for the next seminar in February, 2019 -- TAX credit for 2019 must arrive early in December. You should direct questions about the work in Haiti to the NE Church of Christ in Kingsprt, TN, the supporting church.

Attention: Sam Ross, elder


Bob Patterson, WebMaster
email: weibp@aol.com


Please, keep up the good work and stay mission-minded!